Saturday, August 23, 2008

Introducing the Fantastic Four

This is the story of us. Our story. Your typical suburban cat family. Thats what you think. We are far from typical. what we are is chaotic, mad, bossy, overwhelming, irrational, demanding, egotistical, stubborn and unrepentent.

Obviously, I am the man of the house and believe me when I say i sit at the head of the dinner table. Try to take my seat and you will know about it.

Did I mention I have attitude?

Hey what you looking at? You don't like the beads? You better not be there when I open my eyes man. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.

Don't you listen to him. He is one big old softy. Hi, my name is cinny, Cindee Lou to my friends. I am the lady of the manor. As much as the big fella thinks he is the boss, we all know where the truth lies, if you know what I mean.

Don't get me wrong he does look after us all real well and he takes no crap from anyone.
Me, however, I am your typical lady. Love crystals and feathers and a dab of good perfume behind my ears. I love to bathe by the pool and sun myself on the lounger upstairs.

Actually life is pretty good and I hope you join us on our adventure.
G'day, I amWinny and I don't say much.

Quite frankly most of the time I think life sucks. Me and my twin Pooh really started life on the wrong paw.

First we were baited by our owners, then dumped. We now suffer convulsions as a result of the bait. Then after we were adopted I fell in the big concrete hole filled with water. Pooh fell off the balcony and a week or so back they took us off to have our private parts disected.

Talk about trust issues. Pooh tells me to be grateful we have a nice home, but sheeeesh what next?

I am Pooh, I am t
he baby. Only because I am so small. I just love everyone. I love to be cuddled and scratched and tickled. I love playing with Ginny even though he growls at me. He has a big bushy tail and I try to grab it when he walks past.

Cinny is great. She didn't really like us at first but she has kind of adopted us now.

Pink is my favourite colour, but I think that is cause it is pretty girly here sometimes.

Guess you are going to be seeing a lot of us. I hope so.